Saturday, April 13, 2013

What I have learned about action research...

Action research is the systematic study of my own practice. It is a self reflection of the things that I do in my professional career. Action research, sometimes called administrator inquiry, is an analysis of my strengths and weaknesses, and a strategy of developing myself through research, reflection, questioning, and data analysis. Simply put, I find problems that I can work on within my profession, design change, analyze the change that has taken place, and then share my experiences so that others can benefit from my experience.  Administrator inquiry is a powerful tool because it prioritizes the individual and works on problems from the inside. Traditional research and development focuses on outside sources of learning and is a linear process where individuals are expected to learn and progress in a particular fashion. Action research is a cyclical process where change takes place as it is needed and focuses on projects that are necessary now.

I will use action research in my professional career as I develop into a leadership position. Every school is different and therefore there is no set linear process of gaining the experience necessary to lead the institution. I plan on becoming a quality leader by learning from the issues that affect my school and gaining as much valuable experience through action research as possible. I will maximize my study time by fixing real life issues rather than reading about them in a university textbook. Through internships and various campus projects I will develop my skill sets and blossom into a leader on my campus.

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